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Rich resources to promote active learning

Despite the availability of supplemental learning tools in most urban schools, few rural schools have teaching materials other than the standard national textbooks supplied by the government. Typically, rural education bureaus do not budget for such materials.

To promote active, hands-on learning CSF provides a wealth of materials including reference books, math and science apparatus, musical instruments, maps, globes, art and stationery supplies, sports equipment, audio/visual equipment, bulletin boards, etc. CSF purchases almost everything in China at export or wholesale prices, working directly with factories and wholesale distributors.

Packets containing a selection of stationery, art supplies, and math equipment were distributed to every student at the four schools project at ceremonies recognizing Italcementi’s assistance.  CSF director Bob Green and Executive Director Ben Frankel (right) joined other CSF and Italcementi staff in handing out the packets.
Packets of stationery, art supplies, and math equipment were distributed to every student at the four schools project at ceremonies recognizing Italcementi’s assistance. CSF director Bob Green and Executive Director Ben Frankel (right) joined other CSF and Italcementi staff in handing out the packets.
(Left) Art supplies presented to the four schools  (Center) Pierre Eloy with school principal, teacher, and students examining  math equipment (Right) Science tables were designed to encourage group learning and exchange of ideas. Science equipment was selected to match with lessons in the national standardized curriculum
CSF designed science tables to promote hands-on, collaborative learning. (Left and right) Resources are selected to integrate with national curriculum textbooks. (Center) Sponsor, Education Bureau officer, and principal look on as student examines math equipment.
New supplies overview
(Left) Supplying 150-200 percussion instruments per school enables all students to become musicians. (Right) Science classrooms are equipped with over 500 pieces of apparatus.
(Left) Playground in progress (Right) Renovated classroom
(Left) Students can’t wait for construction to be completed to test their climbing skills. (Right) Renovated classroom with overhead projector, new desks and chairs.